Friday, December 31, 2010

Why not just pull the trigger?

EDIT NOTE: before reading please view this post

There are those who don’t know the tragedies and horrors of the world. Like the fact that there are kids dyeing in Africa from malaria, something that is completely curable with very little medication. There are children dyeing all over the world from lack of access to clean water and sanitation. I have no problem with these people, they’re just unaware that these things are going on. Part of what I have to do is inform these people who don’t know. Once people know what is going on they will react one of two ways.

The first is those whose heart breaks. They hear of a little girl being captured by the LRA then is forced to bite to death another little girl and they start crying. They want to find a way to help; it burrows into their soul so deep that they can’t look away. These are the people who will tell others about what is going on. They will make sure that everyone knows. They are the ones who become expatriates to help those in need. They will sacrifice anything and everything they have to help. These are the dedicated ones. These are the ones who care. If your reaction doesn’t quite match this then you probably fall into the other reaction.

The other reaction people will have is that they don’t care. These are the people who hear about a little girl in Cambodia being sold by her grandfather to a sex slave trafficker and say “Oh that’s sad, someone should do something about it.” Then they assume someone else will take care of it. By standing by and doing nothing it enables those who are committing these acts to continue. It is saying that it is ok for these things to happen. It is to stand beside these genocidists, fighting for them. Enabling & empowering them. These are the people who would sit idly by as someone beats a child to death or rapes a defenseless woman. This brings up a good question.

How do you react?

This isn’t a question that is just answered by words it is answered by action.

The words that you answer with are in prayer & commitment. Pray that things change and make a verbal commitment to help. This is followed by action.

The action response is to sacrifice; the sacrifice of your life, to go and physically help in any way possible. You leave all that you know and all your comforts to help those in need. I can understand that not everyone can do this; in fact I know that very few will be able to. So those who cannot go need to enable those can.

To enable those who go, with money and time. Giving time to learn about what is going on and keeping up with it and telling others what is happening, so that no one may be ignorant of the suffering and the help that is needed.

Or you can react with those who do not care… but remember who you are killing when you say you don’t care.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A message of giving

Luke 1:1-4
Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.

I love this passage for multiple reasons, aside from the fact that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” this passage speaks volumes. There were many people in the 1st century that wrote about what Jesus did while on earth, 4 of which were picked by God to persevere the ages to bring us the words of Christ. The Gospel of Luke was written by a well educated (within the top 1% of the populous) doctor. He left his practice to investigate ineptly the works of this Man, Jesus of Nazareth. Through the investigation and testimonies of eye-witnesses it was shown that He was the God-Man, savior and redeemer of mankind.

Both Luke & Acts open with an address to a Theophilus, which means “loved by God”. It is presumed that both books were commissioned & paid for by this man. This means that he funded Luke’s life & travel during the writing of these books. If Theophilus had decided that there were enough gospels written or that someone else would take care of it not only would we not have the Gospel of Luke, but we also wouldn’t have the information listed in Acts. So even though Theophilus didn’t pen either book they would not have been possible without them.

But like Luke I will be making sacrifices. Luke being one of the better educated people in that day had the opportunity to be a very wealthy man, most likely leaving behind a home & possessions, but he spent his life perusing Jesus. This is what I plan on doing; I will give all that I have to be able to go. I ask that you would become part of this ministry. I would ask that you be my Theophilus and enable me to go through prayer & donations. Anything given is greatly appreciated, if you can spare $5, $10 or more I would appreciate it. I would ask that you remember everyone who would be touched by this mission.

Donations can either be made directly to me or through the following site:
(all donations made through the site are tax deductible)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You don't have baggage, you are baggage.

Imagine this.
You find a program that lets you live abroad for very little cost. They let you know that part of this program is that you work while you’re in these areas. You prep yourself for a year long trip, get all of your documents in order, get your contact’s information, and set your flight. You’re excited as the plane lands Heathrow in London. You take a cab to the flat where you’re supposed to meet your contact. You’re welcomed in, set your stuff down. You start chatting with your hosts, share a few drinks. You start to feel groggy & pass out.

You wake up in a much different side of town. A very shady flat where the wallpaper is falling off the wall, you have an old, stained mattress on the floor. You have no idea where you are or where your stuff went. Your “host” informs you that it’s time to start paying back for your trip. You immediately protest to what they have done to you. This man who brought you here beats you and tells you that you’ll do as he says or he’ll kill you, after all he did pay a good amount of money for you. You’re kept in this place for a few weeks, nightly getting beaten & raped. This man brings over other people to do the same thing to you.

One day you see an opportunity to escape. Knocking out your captor and run for it. You run for blocks until you find a police station. Out of breath you try to explain to the officer about what has been happening to you. The officer listens and they take you into the back. After some time the officer asks you for your identification. You think about it and you know it’s with your belongings, wherever they are. They are more interested in your citizen ship, rather than what has happened to you. They label you an illegal immigrant & throw you in jail for being in the country illegally. Your captor finds you and pays your bail and you’re back in their custody.

This is the story of an estimated 2.5 million people. This is what it is like to be a victim of Human Trafficking; some people get tricked into this by promises of moving from a 3rd world country to a developed country for a better life. Others, normally children or teens, are sold into this by their parents. There are quite a few that are kidnapped and forced into sex trades or manual labor. The majority of people are 18-24, although 1.2 million of its victims are children.

This is normally a rare situation for an American citizen, as there are things that can be done, like going to the US embassy in that country. There are many people who cannot do this, they are normally tracked down by the trafficker and forced back in.

The Adventures in Missions organization has programs that are a safe haven to these people. One of the things I could be doing on the World Race is helping out with this program of counseling and ministering to these victims.

I would ask for your prayers on this trip, but any donations would be helpful. You can donate at the following link:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God give me strength

I feel God calling me to some dangerous places, He has given me courage to no fear the things that would destroy the body. He has broken my heart for a lot of things.

To help those affected by the LRA in Uganda, DR Congo, Central African Republic & Sudan.

To help & encourage the persecuted church in any and all ways possible.

To help those who have experienced human trafficking.

Through the World Race program I am able to go to Uganda, China, Cambodia. and other places. I will always ask that you pray for me as I go do these things. I ask that you wouldn't pray for my safety, but pray God's will would be done on this trip.

Any finical contributions would be greatly appreciated. You may donate at the following link:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where am I going?

So for most of you who have been keeping up with this, I got accepted to the World Race program.

I will be spending 11 months abroad. The possibilities of what I will be doing is endless. Helping orphans, making clean water wells, working with sex trafficked women, construction, teaching, hospital visits. Doing all things to the glory of God.

I will continue to update this blog, but I will also have another one on the World Race site. I will try to keep both up.

Here are all of the countries that I'm going to (I plan on writing about each country)

I would ask for prayer. Not for safety, but that God's work would be done. I have taken hold and continue to pray for the mentality that Paul had.

Acts 21:13
Then Paul answered, "What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."

I will continue to ask for prayer. If you are able to help fiscally, anything and everything helps, and I greatly appreciate any donations.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pray for me

I feel like God has called me to go. I cannot stand by and let someone else do what God has called me to do myself.

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

I know I have said I request prayers. These are the areas that I would ask you pray for me.

I do not ask that you pray for my safety, but that you would pray God would take me where He wants me to go, even if this includes dangers & hardships.

Matthew 10:28
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I do not ask that you pray that Christianity would spread, but that I would be able to boldly proclaim the Gospel and that many would be saved & that the Gospel would spread.
Ephesians 6:19-20
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

All I want for Christmas...

I've already got my 2 front teeth, so I had to think hard about what I want. They follow in no particular order, just what I quick access to.

First would be any kind of donation to my World Race fund.

Second would be any one of the books on my Amazon wishlist.

Third would be a donation to Gospel for Asia or Life Water.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stop selling Jesus

Let the Gospel speak for itself.

God created me.
I have separated myself from Him. I've been judgmental, a liar, a slut, lazy, religious & prideful (and the list just keeps getting longer). And by doing this I would always be separated from Him.
God loved me and knew I would do this and because He desired a relationship with me He sent His Son to take the punishment for me.
He revealed Himself to me, so that I would know what He did for me.
He changed my heart & my motives so that I would love Him.
And He can do the same for you.

There are so many people who try to sell Jesus to their friends, family, co-workers, & congregation.So I have to ask what is the point of doing this? Jesus is not a commodity to be bought and sold. I see a lot of preachers making God into a piñata. You pray to Him and He'll give you whatever you want.

A seed sower doesn't plant the seed, and then immediately stare at the ground and expect a plant to spring up ready to be harvested, do they? I say don't put people in a high pressure sales situation "Well I've told you about Jesus, do you want to accept Him?" Maybe have them pray "the prayer" or walk "the isle"?

Just remember there was another man who tried to sell Jesus, for 30 silver pieces. So before trying to sell Jesus think which team you're on.

And I'd say let others believe what they want to, no matter how tolerant or intolerant it is. Because:

1 Corinthians 5:12-13
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. "Purge the evil person from among you."

Jesus Action Figure - Click Image to Close
(I would like to say I'm not against the Jesus action figure, I think its funny.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The next step

I received the call that I've been accepted to the World Race program. I am so excited I could barely contain myself on my drive home from work yesterday. I wanted to dance in the street in my "ephod".

The next thing I’m looking to do is getting accepted to the pastoral internship at my church. The main reason I want to this is so I can have a very well defined view of theology. Even if I do not get the internship I will take refuge in the spirit that God will give me the right words.

Luke 12:11-12
11 “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”

I would request that I would be in your prayers & encouragement while I’m approaching this opportunity. I ask that you would pray, not for my safety, but that God’s work would be done through this trip. I would ask for prayers that, if it is His will, the way would be provided.

Luke 10:2-4
2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4 Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.

I will do everything I can to carry the finical burden & trust that God will provide. If you would like to make donations, they can be made here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

See the Invisible. Hear the Silent.

Imagine this (you may want to imagine this as one of your children, niece, or nephew). You’re 5 years old. What are you doing?
Are you playing tag with your friends? Having tea parties?

You wake up one night to hear a scuffle.
Wake up to find that your parents have been killed.

Suddenly you’re approached by an older kid, maybe 10 years old.
They’re carrying an AK-47.
They tell you that they’re the one who killed your parents & that you have to come with them or they will kill you too.

You’re walked to a truck and loaded up with other children your age.
They’re crying because they’ve just gone through the same thing as you.

It’s very late, maybe 4am. You’re pulled out of the truck and lined up.

They grab the child next to you & cut off their arms & legs then split them open & cut off their head.
They give no reason why they did this.
Another child starts crying; they grab them and do the same as the first.

Welcome to being a soldier in the Lord’s Resistance Army.
If you’re big enough you’re outfitted with a gun. If not you’re given a whistle and become a flesh shield.

You’re then forced to do the same as the person who killed your parents & if you resist, try to escape, you will be killed.
You see this day after day.

These are the Invisible Children.
These are the Falling Whistles.

Are you thinking this is grotesque?
Are you thinking this can’t be real?
Are you thinking this needs to be stopped?

Good, but right now you’re only one of 5000.
How many people would hear about his and just pass on saying "Someone else will take care of it."
Someone else has taken care of it, since 1987 someone else has taken care of it.
23 years.
Maybe it's time for others to stand up as well.

President Obama and his advisors are now creating the first-ever comprehensive U.S. strategy to help see LRA atrocities ended, and its content will impact the future for hundreds of thousands of people.

Your voice can help make sure the President's strategy includes the major investment of new resources and leadership needed to achieve peace by signing the pledge.

As Christians we're called to help the oppressed.
As a human we should show compassion for those weaker than us.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

God is good

Had my interview with the people who do World Race. Things went well, but even if I am not chosen to go I will praise God.

God is good.

In all things, God is good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Genesis 50:20

He has worked through me, not because of me but despite me.

I will praise him.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I love the intolerant.

So many people today claim tolerance; this seems to be the reoccurring theme in current world mentality. That everyone should be tolerant of everyone else’s religion. Live and let live. So everyone should be tolerant of everyone else’s beliefs. Everyone should be fully tolerant of everyone’s world view. That no one has the right to tell someone they’re wrong in their belief.

Tolerance is intolerant.

I’ve had so many “tolerant” people tell me that I’m intolerant. So tolerance is only tolerant of the tolerant, which makes them intolerant of the intolerant.

Tolerance is intolerant.

So I have been having this conversation over & over.

“Christians expect people to believe in their God and live their lifestyle, they should be more tolerant.”

Tolerance states that I can see my friend walking off a cliff, but that is their decision. I will let them walk off the cliff.

I’m all for Christians loving everyone, regardless who they are. That’s biblical.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31

It doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself unless they’re Muslim extremists.”
It doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself unless they’re GLBT.”
It doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself unless they’re religious.”
It doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself unless they’re atheist.”
It doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself unless they’re your enemy.”

Love states that I see anyone, my friend or my enemy; walking over a cliff that I should do everything I can to stop them. Even if that means laying down my life to show them the truth; if the only way to show them that they are going over a cliff is to jump off first, I would gladly do that.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

Tolerance means you'll be liked by everyone, popular. This is the easy to go.
Love means that you'll do things that people may not like. That you may become unpopular because you love someone enough to tell them the truth.

Who loves their children more, the father who lets their children do whatever they want, even if it leads to their own destruction or the father who will discipline his children to save them from themselves?

I would rather love everyone than be tolerant of everyone.

Friday, November 12, 2010

And so it begins

I have just submitted my application for The World Race.

I know there are things that I need to do in preparation, physically & spiritually.
I am working on reading through the whole bible. Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
I need to go to a dentist, optometrist & doctor to make sure I’m fully ready to go wherever He leads.
Praying God would provide guidance, a clear path, and a means as He sees fit.

I am requesting that my brothers and sisters in Christ help teach me and show me discipleship and help me grow with fellowship. I know that there will be growing pains and pruning pains, but it will all be for His glory.

I would love to see fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ as in the early church. Sharing meals and the Lord’s Supper, meeting daily to pray, discuss scripture, and proclaim the glory of Christ’s name.

I ask for your prayers & support in this.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finding the path

God works in me, not because of be but despite me. I have fought Him every step of the way, but He has not given up on me.
He saved me when I could not save myself.
He has taken allowed me to lay down my life, taken away my fear of death.
He provided me with a connection to the church, who teaches His word & can disciple me.
He has provided me with a compassionate servant’s heart.
When He said “Go” I could not bring myself to ask “Where?” but He has provided me with a path & place to go.
11 months in 11 countries, all over the world.
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, China, Ukraine, Moldova, & Romania
I am praying I will make it through the application process, if this is where He wants me to go.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Provided with a servant's heart

I picked up this book The Right Guy for the Right Girl which has reminded me that singleness is a state that is envied. I sometimes get distracted by wanting to get married & have kids. I need to make the most of the gift God has given me now, the gift of being single. I can go anywhere and do just about anything and would only have to care for myself.

I have a want to do ministry or go do missions somewhere. I just feeling so lost as to what exactly I can do and how I can serve. I know one way to worship is to give and part of that is giving money. I just don’t want to be limited to just giving money. David Platt wrote, in Radical, the words of a friend in Sudan who said “A real brother comes to you in your time of need.” I want to give my time. I want to give everything I can.

I know that part of this is finding a church that can be my family of faith and I am so very overjoyed that I have found a church. They are such a blessing and I praise God that He has brought me to them. God is working in this church.

25 as the secrets of their hearts are laid bare. So they will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, “God is really among you!” 1 Corinthians 14:25

I know that I have been out of church for a long time, and I do need to be taught how to be a true disciple of Christ. And sometimes I feel like Simon Peter, I want to pick up the sword and start swinging, but I know that’s not the way. I just hope I don’t cut off too many ears on my way to being the man God has planned for me.

God is doing great things. I just want to be part of them; as a servant.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

a prayer

Every day I want to me more and more like You.

Every day I want to show Your love to others.

Everything I do I want to it to bring glory & honor to Your name.

Give me a servant's heart.

Let me rejoice with You.

Let me be heart broken for the sick, oppressed, hungry, homeless, & widowed.

Help me be humble.

Show me what it is to be "little Christ".


Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm still a hopeless romantic

I’ve been reading D.C. Talk’s Jesus Freaks lately. The stories are so inspirational for me. To see others who are willing to give their life to spread their savior’s words.

Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian pastor & founder for voice of the martyrs, was faced with the dilemma when the communist party came into Romania. He could sit quietly and watch as they tried to suppress his savior. His wife, Sabina, said “Richard, stand up and wash away this shame from the face of Christ.”
He told her “If I speak, you will lose your husband.”
She told him, “I do not wish to have a coward for a husband.”

When I read this story I see a Godly woman who is so in love with Christ that she encouraged her husband to serving his savior. This woman faith in Christ enough that she knew what her husband should do.

I feel like this road is lonely sometimes. If I am meant to walk this road alone, I will do it joyfully. I will love every Church as family; count every Christian as a brother or sister, but I will pray that God will bring someone my direction.

Someone who I can praise God every day that I get to see them waking up next to me
Someone I can hold their hand as we grow old
Someone who I can see the love God has given them
Someone who can be my best friend
Someone I can take on dates, even if we're living in a jungle in South Africa
Someone who knows everything about me and wants to love me anyway

Monday, November 1, 2010

Arguing Semantics

Did you make the decision to open and read this blog? Were you predestined to click that link?
I know that question sounds silly, but apparently this argument between the Calvinists & the Arminians has been going on for a while.

Did God predestine us for salvation or out of freewill did God allow us to choose Him?
I’ve been thinking and reading over this question, for the first time in my life I’ve come to the end of my theological rope. I have read the cases for both sides and both sides do have good points & holes in their arguments.

I’ve been hearing a lot when it comes to predestination vs. freewill.

The idea of predestination is that everything has already been decided and that every decision was made before you were even born. It’s just all playing out in the time line. Some people approach this as “Sweet, I don’t have to try because it has all been laid out already.” If you become lazy after this point then you were predestined to do so. So this can give the illusion of freewill.

I had been trying to figure out which side to take a stand on, divulge into what I believe & why I believe it.
After wrestling with this & trying to figure out the right answer, through deductive reasoning & biblical citations the answer came to me.

Both are wrong.
Both are correct.

The reason that they are both wrong is because instead of letting the focus & glory go to God we argue semantics over the “how”.

Hands down God chose us to be His children. How he accomplished that specifically shouldn’t be our focus. Our focus should be crying out a resounding “HALLELUJAH!” and praising God for what He has done. God gave of Himself so we could be saved. Out of His need for justice & love he sent Himself to block His loved ones from His wrath.

In the end what does it mean to our salvation that we were meant to be saved or it was a choice God gave to us.

Its not the argument that since we are predestined to do something for God that we can go on cruse control or that it is by our works we are saved. A Calvinist and a Arminian should have no difference in how they believe. Calvinist should not be boastful. Arminians should not rely on their choices to get them to heaven.

I look at the Calvinist as my brother, the Arminian as my sister. They are my family in Christ. We should never cause division in this family, the body of Christ.

Embrace your brother and do not quarrel amongst yourselves.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The church has a cracked foundation

Think about the people in your church. Think about the people you see on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Is there one person in your congregation that you would give your life for? Are there 5? How many are there that you would die to protect? Now compare that to the size of your congregation. We are called in our churches to become like brothers & sisters, to become friends. To have those blood ties to your fellow believer.

John 15:9-17
 9"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. 11I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command.15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17This is my command: Love each other.

We are called to love one another. We are also to love even our enemies.

Matthew 5:43-48
43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

God often will call us places that make us uncomfortable, so we have to rely on Him more and more. If someone is a wealthy man to sell everything he owns, if this scares you then He’s probably calling you to do this. If you are someone who is comfortable with being silent in a group, He might call you to lead a group. If you are comfortable in your theater seat, then He may be calling you to live in a mud hut in the African wilderness. Maybe you're living your life with an allegiance to Christ, instead of a relationship with Him. If it makes you uncomfortable to preach a message that might turn some away, He could be calling you to preach a less watered down version. If you are stuck on the NIV translation, maybe you should pick up The Message and read it with a grain of salt. If you’re Pentecostal maybe you should seek out a Baptist church. If you are comfortable not going to church, He is calling you to find a church.

I know there are a lot of people, myself included, that do see lots of cracks in the foundations of the church. Some of us do not like church because of the hypocrites who reside within. To avoid a church would be hypocrisy in and of itself. It would state that someone who is a faith professing Christian would claim that there’s a group of people who are unreachable by God. The self-centered Christianity that most of us despise becomes what we believe. What would give us the right to deprive people of God’s love? What gives us the right to deprive them of our revelations of His word? We are called to question everything, so we have to rely on God to allow us to realize when we are wrong too.

If you see the cracks in the foundations, things that need to change, maybe you’re called to help repair those cracks or maybe when you bend down to repair those cracks, and come to the corner stone, you’ll find out that you’re the one who is fractured.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm a freak.

Most Christians know about the underground churches in Asia. Where people can be killed or face life imprisonment for attending church or preaching the gospel. There's places in the middle east where Muslims can kill Christians and have little to no reproductions. I think that lukewarm Christianity is not a problem there; not saying that they don't exist but it doesn't seem like it would be worth it to be lukewarm. I want to take a trip to some of these places and see how God is moving in His people who are persecuted and face death to hear & spread His word.

The idea that I've been toying around with is mimicking these underground churches. Where its not about how big the Christmas pageant is or what kind of music the praise band plays or that the minister preaches in this style. Brining the focus of the church away from the building and bringing it back to the people. Brining it back to the body of Christ. Making the gatherings about studying His word, praying fervently, praising God for the things he does.

I just think its crazy we live in a country where churches spend $10 Billion a year to build new buildings or expand their existing ones, when it would cost $10 Billion a year to make sure everyone, in the world, had access to clean water. Something seems wrong about that, it doesn't seem like the message Jesus preached.

I want to help break this idea of Suburban Jesus. The pale white, blue eyed, frail man preaching a message about how to keep from going to Hell by praying a prayer, telling people that they should live by a set of rules. A 30 year old Jewish carpenter from the middle east doesn't seem to fit that description. The message He preached doesn't seem like it would sit well with the affluent church of America. The life changing message of total sacrifice & love. The man who called out Pharisees on their hypocritical ways. The man who spent 3 years in very close contact to 12 men, making them disciples, teaching them how to live like Him & die like Him (except John).

I mean the greatest thing I can think of would be to live a life, preaching His message, making disciples of all people in all nations. The greatest honor I could think of would to become a martyr on His behalf. To bring glory to Him. I know that might sound radical, crazy or extreme, but I don't think Christianity is mean to be a subdued faith.

I walk this road alone, I would never ask anyone to follow me to calvary, to my cross, but I would like to meet someone who is walking this road as well to know that I'm not the only one.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I only want a little Jesus, thank you.

What about Christianity says that we should be “well balanced”?

We go to church once or twice a week; so as not to be like some of those “Godless people”, but we want some time to spend with our friends & family.

We give the 10% of our money, 5% of our time, maybe a little more if it’s available

We gladly sit in a church service watching a missionary’s slideshow from the most recent trip to Uganda sitting in our comfortable theater seating

We have 4,000 churches in a 30 mile radius, and 1,500 homeless people

We attend rallies to put down “Them Hom O’sexuals”

We send $5,000 to aid refugees or natural disaster victims, while there is a $23 million dollar addition to the church in the works.

Why are we so worried about church attendance?
Why is it quantity over quality?

Acts 2:44-47:
44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. 46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

The early church met every day.
They intensely studied the gospel & what the disciples said.
They shared everything they had.
They gave to those in need.
They were friends
They were a family
With quality there came quantity.
Maybe as a church we should be loving & helping everyone, regardless of who they are.
Maybe there should be a much different level of trust & sharing between members of the church.

How many of us are called to missions?
How many are called to watch the slide shows?

Matthew 28:19, 20
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
I read that as we are all called to go to all nations.
Not just send the “chosen” few.

Colossians 3:17
17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Everything we do should glorify God
Despite where we are
Despite what we are doing
Despite whom we are with

Are you ready to give up everything for God?
Our aspirations of school?
Our aspirations of business?
Our aspirations of wealth?
Our aspirations of marriage?
Our aspirations of life?

Luke 9:23
23Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.

If someone walked up to us carrying a gun, stuck it in our face and asked
“Do you believe in God?”
Would you deny Him 3 times?
Would you be willing to go someplace where if you attended a church meeting you might face death or life imprisonment?

Just because it’s not illegal to do this in America, why don’t we live that way?
Where you don’t just invite someone to church, but you share the gospel on a personal level with people.
Then when they are hungry for the word & thirsty for the truth, you invite them to church.

Maybe some people require a bit of secular quotes 
Coming to God isn't a weekend retreat! It's not a seminar!
You have to forget everything you know, everything you think
You know -- about life, about friendship, about you and me.

Does this sound a little extreme?
I don't believe a man who would go into the temple & break the table of the money changers could be considered subdued.
I don't believe a man who told a large crowd that they should drink His blood & eat His flesh is subtle.
I don't believe a man that was God would only want people to follow Him only halfway.
I don't believe that He died so we could be comfortable & get our "Free get out of hell ticket".

Are we ready to die for Jesus?
If we aren’t ready to die for Him, how can we be ready to live for Him?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'll become an Outlaw

I've seen a lot of people arguing over laws lately.
People holding on to their political views.
Christian people.
Believing that their way of life is being threatened.

Gay Civil Rights
Separation of Church & State

Using the passages of a book of love & truth to oppress people.

If the law allows 2 people of the same sex to marry, does that then force us to only marry people of the same sex as ourselves? Or does that allow people to have the same equal rights as every other citizen of the nation? For this is their freedom.

If the woman has the right to choose if she wants to abort a pregnancy, does that force every woman to have an abortion? Although I am heart broken that some women decide to put a child to death as a form of birth control. I believe that they should have the right to choose.

Are they banning the name of God in schools? True they do not allow teachers to teach creationism in science class. Students are still allowed to talk about God to their friends, student run organizations like FCA & See You at the Pole are still happening. No one has kept a child from praying in school and no one forces a child to pray in school.

Brothers & Sisters I tell you, as Christians we are called to love everyone as Christ loved them.

Maybe we shouldn't be focused on disrupting 2 people in love and hindering their right to happiness & freedom. Maybe we should be focused as loving our families as Christ loved us. Giving everything for them through His love. Ephesians 5:25-27

Maybe instead of protesting the woman to have the right to choose weather or not she wants to keep her baby, you should show her Christ's love and support. Let her know that the body of Christ will be there to support her. If she does not feel able to support the child that there is still hope for both her and the child.
Jeremiah 1:5

Maybe we should not focus on making sure that schools teach your children about God, but make sure that you teach them about God. If they ban His name in the hallways, then let the children shout His name in the yards. Let them meet in secret to discuss their faith. Let them be persecuted & rejoice.
Matthew 5:10-12

Or is our faith so weak that our living standards must be law? That it needs to be illegal in order for us, as Christians, not to do it? Is our God so weak that a committee of men writing down things on paper will stop His power? Is His love so small that it will be overshadowed by the things of this world?

What if it was against the law to practice Christianity publicly? A crime punishable by death or life imprisonment.

How many Christians in churches today would continue to follow Christ?
How many of us would secretly meet to feverishly pray for their underground churches?
How many of us would struggle to feel God's presence in our lives?
How many of us would become outlaws?

Friday, October 15, 2010

I dance in my underwear

When was the last time you were in church praise & worship?
Maybe it was only a few days ago; possibly weeks ago, or years ago for some.

How did it look?
Was everyone standing around singing monotone hymns from a book?
Were there people with their eyes closed with their hands raised?
Was there dancing?

2 Samuel 6:14 says
David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might,

Basically David was so overjoyed in the Lord that he ran out in the street and danced in his underwear.
Imagine if you will someone so happy that they run outside in their boxers and started running in place & jumping up and down.

When was the last time you saw someone during praise & worship session just become so overwhelmed with the presence of God that they disregarded openly praised God?

Not saying that the people in the church service should strip off their clothes and dance in their underwear… although that might give people a different view of Christianity wouldn’t it?

2 Samuel 6:22a
“I will become even more undignified than this, I will be humiliated in my own eyes.”

What if we praised like that though, with that spirit?
Praising God without worrying about what other people though?

2 Samuel 6:22b
“But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.”

How would people view Christianity if they walked into a praise & worship session and people were praising God uninhibited by those around them.
How would they feel if they saw people praising God in the street in this manner?

Maybe the way you praise uninhibited is dancing, in the middle of the church of "the frozen chosen"
Maybe the way you praise uninhibited is standing there quietly with your hands raised, while those around you speak in tongues.
Maybe the way you praise uninhibited is face down on the floor in your room.
Do not be swayed by those around you.
Praise as God's Spirit leads.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

To live is Christ, but to die is gain.

About 8 months ago I found myself in Los Angeles, CA. I had the beginnings for everything I could have ever wanted.
I had my dream job in a managed service company on doing the helpdesk thing.
I had a beautiful girl who was more than I had ever hoped & asked for.
I had the fast sports car.
I was trying to save to buy a house.
I was fast on my way to achieving the American Dream.
I knew I was on the right path to achieving the things I wanted.

I realized I wasn't happy.
I was utterly miserable.
So I ran.

I sold my car, bought a truck.
I loaded up my stuff.
Quit my job.
I let her know I was leaving.
Maybe one day she could be happy, with someone who's not a selfish, angry, judgmental, hypocritical, lustful man.
I ran.

As I drove the I15 out to Barstow I watched as what was left of my castle in the sand was swept away with the tide.

I drove to Oklahoma.
I found a new sandbox.
I started rebuilding my castle in the sand.

A song spoke to me.
“Stand up we shall not be moved
Except by a child with no socks and shoes
If you've got more to give then you've got to prove
Put your hands up and I'll copy you
Stand up we shall not be moved
Except by a woman dyeing from a loss of food”
My heart was bleeding.
I felt a tug.
I felt a still small voice.

I had too much
I had nothing
But I had too much.
I still had my life.

The truth was made apparent to me.
I was gaining the world, but I was losing my soul.
But I was too far gone.
There’s no possible way that I could ever make it back.
I had been running.
Ever since I can remember I’d been running.
I was too far gone.
I stopped for a moment to catch my breath.
When I stopped running I felt someone behind me.
I turned around and found myself standing face to face with God.

I had stood there before.
Face to face with God.
Was this what I was running from?
Was running from the face of love?

He asked me if I was ready.
Ready to lay down my life
Ready to follow him

I didn’t want to.
But God gave me the strength to want to.
God gave me the strength to say,
“I don’t want you,
But I want to want you.”

God has called me to lay down my life for Him.
To deny myself so that others may gain life in Him.
I fear no death.
For I have died to myself.
The only life I have is the life in Christ.
This is a life I will not waste.