Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reincarnation aka the art of procrastination

Reincarnation, the idea or belief that when the body dies the sould will leave that body to be bourn into a new one. There are many times I wish this was true, think back on how many times you have thought “I wish I could go back and change that” or “I wish I had done something different there”. I mean my life is riddled with areas I wish I could change. Situations I wish I could have changed the outcomes, love I wish I had chased, time waisted on futile persuits I wish I could have back. I know that who I am today has been shapped by the potter’s hands and I wouldn’t change a moment of it, some lesions are hard learned.

I will give the Buddhist & Hindi are correct when they say “Life [without God] is suffering”, but reincarnation is the art of procrastination. If someone told you that you could go back, you could try again, it would be cool, but it would also say that your choices in this life don’t really matter. So if you do really bad, its not really that bad; adversely this means that the good things done in this life aren’t really good. So there’s no real reason to do good. I mean, let’s look at this logically.

If you believe in reincarnation:

If you haven’t done anything with your life other than sit on the couch, eating potato chips, watching TV, letting the world pass you by then die of a heartattack from clogged artries. Cool, maybe you’ll come back as a physical trainer, climb mount everist, go skydiving, etc

You missed that connection with the girl you really like, maybe you can catch her in another life.

There are those who are lonely, maybe if they kill themselves they’ll have a life with more friends.

There are starving children in Africa. Good, they’ll die soon and maybe they can be reincarnated as an obease American child.

A person was born with a disability or handed a bad lot in life, well maybe they did something bad in their last life.

There’s something in the back of your head screaming “NO! THAT’S NOT RIGHT!”

Reincarnation is a scape goat to free yourself from conviction & responcibility. You won’t feel convicted if you didn’t do something or did do something that wasn’t “right”. It frees you from responcibility of doing the “right” thing.

Conviction comes from God, to ignore that feeling inside of you saying “this is wrong” is to ignore God.
” And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.”
John 16:8

We need to make the absolute most out of this life. Help as many people as we can. “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Apple

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,”
Hebrews 9:27

I hope this lights a fire under your butt. There are people suffering out there, they need help.

The end point for a for someone who believes in reincarnation would be “let them die” or “kill them and put them out of their misery”.

The end point for a follower of Christ would be, “They’re dieing. We need to help them.” The proper response is to get up and GO! GO! GO!

Live your life like you’re dieing, cause you are.

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