Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stop selling Jesus

Let the Gospel speak for itself.

God created me.
I have separated myself from Him. I've been judgmental, a liar, a slut, lazy, religious & prideful (and the list just keeps getting longer). And by doing this I would always be separated from Him.
God loved me and knew I would do this and because He desired a relationship with me He sent His Son to take the punishment for me.
He revealed Himself to me, so that I would know what He did for me.
He changed my heart & my motives so that I would love Him.
And He can do the same for you.

There are so many people who try to sell Jesus to their friends, family, co-workers, & congregation.So I have to ask what is the point of doing this? Jesus is not a commodity to be bought and sold. I see a lot of preachers making God into a piñata. You pray to Him and He'll give you whatever you want.

A seed sower doesn't plant the seed, and then immediately stare at the ground and expect a plant to spring up ready to be harvested, do they? I say don't put people in a high pressure sales situation "Well I've told you about Jesus, do you want to accept Him?" Maybe have them pray "the prayer" or walk "the isle"?

Just remember there was another man who tried to sell Jesus, for 30 silver pieces. So before trying to sell Jesus think which team you're on.

And I'd say let others believe what they want to, no matter how tolerant or intolerant it is. Because:

1 Corinthians 5:12-13
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. "Purge the evil person from among you."

Jesus Action Figure - Click Image to Close
(I would like to say I'm not against the Jesus action figure, I think its funny.)

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