Imagine this (you may want to imagine this as one of your children, niece, or nephew). You’re 5 years old. What are you doing?
Are you playing tag with your friends? Having tea parties?
You wake up one night to hear a scuffle.
Wake up to find that your parents have been killed.
Suddenly you’re approached by an older kid, maybe 10 years old.
They’re carrying an AK-47.
They tell you that they’re the one who killed your parents & that you have to come with them or they will kill you too.
You’re walked to a truck and loaded up with other children your age.
They’re crying because they’ve just gone through the same thing as you.
It’s very late, maybe 4am. You’re pulled out of the truck and lined up.
They grab the child next to you & cut off their arms & legs then split them open & cut off their head.
They give no reason why they did this.
Another child starts crying; they grab them and do the same as the first.
Welcome to being a soldier in the Lord’s Resistance Army.
If you’re big enough you’re outfitted with a gun. If not you’re given a whistle and become a flesh shield.
You’re then forced to do the same as the person who killed your parents & if you resist, try to escape, you will be killed.
You see this day after day.
These are the Invisible Children.
These are the Falling Whistles.
Are you thinking this is grotesque?
Are you thinking this can’t be real?
Are you thinking this needs to be stopped?
Good, but right now you’re only one of 5000.
How many people would hear about his and just pass on saying "Someone else will take care of it."
Someone else has taken care of it, since 1987 someone else has taken care of it.
23 years.
Maybe it's time for others to stand up as well.
President Obama and his advisors are now creating the first-ever comprehensive U.S. strategy to help see LRA atrocities ended, and its content will impact the future for hundreds of thousands of people.
Your voice can help make sure the President's strategy includes the major investment of new resources and leadership needed to achieve peace by signing the pledge.
As Christians we're called to help the oppressed.
As a human we should show compassion for those weaker than us.